DIY Haruspicy


A solo journaling game about resurrection and mapping the convoluted hauntings of the body. Through organ-based prompt cards you will reflect on the few organs you (or a character of your choice) have managed to scavenge after death. These organs may be in worse condition than you originally found them in, thus affecting your perspective on the body part, or miraculously "better" in some way. At the end of this journaling stage, you will consider your new body as a whole and what the implications of piloting this new body may be without the organs you were unable to recover.

NOTE: The prompts and structure of this game are limited in scope to the experiences of the author and their personal associations with each organ. My experiences are not universal and may not mesh with the experiences of others. Furthermore, beware that this game can touch on sensitive, highly personal themes that may not be ideal for a casual journaling experience.

This game was created in one day in 2023 as part of a personal art challenge under the theme "body haunts." All artwork is either in the public domain or personally illustrated by the author.

Required materials

** 1d6
** Deck of cards
** Preferred journaling materials
** Craft supplies (optional)

14 pages. B&W collage illustrations and linocut card art.